About Us
The long of it.

In 2013, I finally developed the courage to create something I could share with the world. After much encouragement and from my close friends and my late mentor, Faye.
I had been sketching outfits since about age 9, during idle time in primary school. Little did I know it would become a major part of my adult life.
I set out to create pieces that are of a cosmopolitan feel, pieces that would bring about feelings of a bold, striking, confident, classic and stylish woman.
And so a brand was curated. Some features on our local news/media outlets were had, television interviews and newspaper publications (we even got the front pages!). Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Some short months after, I had a life changing oppurtunity to relocate to the Middle East for what many would consider a dream job. And relocate I did.
So my creation would now have to sit aside. The fire inside me to be creative would not die. I completed my contract and relinquished my role in the dream job (risky stuff, I know!)